No Sweat Intro

We're eager to discover more about you, your fitness history, and what activities you love.

What is a No Sweat Intro?

The goal of our No Sweat Intro is to identify the best ways we can support your journey. By understanding your health and fitness ambitions, we aim to collaborate with you to create the ideal plan tailored just for YOU!

1. Schedule Your First Visit

Talk with one of our coaches about what you are looking to achieve and see how we can help get you there!

2. Start Your Training

Your goals have been defined and you are ready to start your journey. We will start you off strong by teaching you the fundamentals of form and nutrition!

3. Have Fun Reaching New Levels

Once you have established the basics, have fun showing up to new workouts each day!

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Level up your fitness journey - sign up for your free intro now and progress towards a healthier, stronger you at KOPA CrossFit!

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